Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Flying Squirrel Meets Batt

Franklin poses with one of his favorite toys, a flying squirrel (we call it a bat, anyway) sent from one of daddy's friends from his university days. A couple months ago, after I would put Frankie down in his crib, he'd holler and pitch a fuss that would wake the dead from their tv observations, until I set this doll nose-to-nose with him.

I just noticed Maggie's lovely arm, finger, and thumb in the shot. Frankie's favorite trick nowadays is to shake things off of his head. He was holding the squirrel/bat on his head just fine until I managed to get away and get the camera from the other room. This is about as cooperative as he could be last night.

He had another round of shots yesterday. Didn't cry until after the needle was out. He has one more shot to deal with on July 5th, and then he doesn't need anymore until he goes to school, which, if his father had any say in the matter, wouldn't be until he was away from Taiwan, but realistically, another four years off.

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