Ok, here are the statistics, if you are interested:
Franklin was born yesterday, 12/15 at 12:59p.m. via natural childbirth, with a little help from Dr's Hoover and Push, but more on that later. He was a whopping 4.1kg & 54cm (9 pounds and change, and roughly 21 inches long) I was with Maggie from start-to-finish, and she did a great job. I couldn't have had a baby without her. She agreed to an epidural at about 11:00 the evening before and was able to sleep sporadically through the night.
I can't wait until we all meet up again. This kid is gonna be one cool dude. Last night, I sat with him after giving him his first bottle of life. We discussed his career options. I told him he could be a teacher or a photographer ike his daddy, or a manager like his mom, or an ice cream manufacturer like his grandpa, etc. He looked--well, he didn't look any different than he had thus far, but he sure didn't look excited. When I told him that he could be Secretary General of the United Nations, man you should have seen how his face lit up! Maggie won't let me change his name to Kofi or Boutros Boutros. Too Bad: Boutros Boutros Batt would have been a great name.
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